Sunday 7 August 2011

First article


  This is my first article on this blog. It's a difficult problem what I write......

  Last month, I had stayed in Dublin, Ireland. In Dublin, it was about 20℃ daytime.

  But, I'm in Japan and it reach 30℃ and this weather makes me tired(in daytime, I don't go out except I have to do so><)

 So, I'll write about Japanese news.

 One of the biggest newspaper(Yomiuri) survey the rate of support for the prime minister Naoto Kan. And it indicates only 18% Japanese people support him as prime minister.

 You know, very severe disaster happened in Japan on 11 March. And prime minister has to make plans for recovery and deal with nuclear power plant's accident. But many people and medias say "he couldn't make appropriate plans and doesn't deserve to prime minister."

 Some medias(like newspapers) say "it's the problem who is next prime minister" because Mr. Kan said that he would resign prime minister if recovery and nuclear power plant problem would stand the sight.

 But, he hasn't resigned yet. So, people can't believe prime minister, and it leads the result of the survey.

 I think it's not good to change prime minister so often. It's difficult for foreign people to know who is the prime minister of Japan now. And if Mr. Kan resign, recovery plan will change and it may cause the delay of achieving it.

 But, he promised he would resign. So, he must do so. If it delays, there  is more influence for recovery plans.

This is real situation of Japanese politics. I don't like this situation.....

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